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Pouring Beer

A wonderful practice experience

As accessible as a craft beer a month 

For you and the community

This is how it works.
Best possible experience

Supreme practicing

Best possible experience

We provide you with everything you need for a great practice experience. First of all an RD Pad, one of the most realistic practice pads. You also get plenty of sheet music to practice with. In addition you can expect the very best service from us, 7 days a week. 

A craft beer a month


A craft beer a month

We were confident we could offer a complete experience for the price of a craft beer a month. Stop drinking, start practicing. The amount will be credited to your account monthly. 

Contribute to the community

Share passion

Contribute to the community

Your subscription belongs in a cycle. When your pad has the first traces of use, we'll provide you with a new one. Your pad goes to someone who could not possibly afford the music equipment. This way you make yourself and the community stronger. 

We make supreme quality practice pads accessible to everyone. 

Getting as many people possible excited about our shared passion.

This is craftsmanship

We have two RD Pads available for subscription. The White Marching Pad with an authentic feel and the Black Chop Pad, a more high-pitched pad. 

Choose the subscription plan that fits your style

Pricing Plans
  • White Marching Pad

    Every month
    Lower pitched pad, less rebound
    Valid for 24 months
    • White Marching Pad, supreme quality practice pad
    • Amazing customer service, 7 days a week
    • All our own sheet music for free
    • 10% discount on drumsticks + apparel
    • Major maintenance once a year
    • A good reputation: you contribute to the community
  • Black Chop Pad

    Every month
    Higher pitched pad, more rebound
    Valid for 24 months
    • Black Chop Pad, supreme quality practice pad
    • Amazing customer service, 7 days a week
    • All our own sheet music for free
    • 10% discount on drumsticks + apparel
    • Major maintenance once a year
    • A good reputation: you contribute to the community

Sheet music

Sharing music is sharing passion. The subscription plan provides you with a lot of sheet music. Good for hours of practicing.

Frequently asked questions

Am I tied to the subscription?

No, with our flexible subscription you're not locked in to anything. You can easily stop your subscription. You then turn in your RD Pad. 

What happens with my pad after 2 years of subscription?

If you continue with your subscription plan after 2 years, you get a completely new RD Pad. We will give your former pad to drummers who could never afford a practice pad. 

What about wear and tear?

Drumming on your pad certainly results in user marks on your drumhead. We therefore replace your drumhead after 1 year. 

Stay tuned

We are continuously developing our services. Subscribe to our updates.  

  • Receive product updates

  • Participate in video projects

  • Receive passion in your email